Electronic Cigarettes vs Nicotine Pouches (English Version)
So, the electronic cigarette, vape, juul, vaporizer, e-cig, vape pen or whatever you want to call it. What is the main difference between electronic cigarettes and nicotine pouches? Well the first and most obvious difference is the way they work, a nicotine pouch goes under your lip and sits there where as the electronic cigarette needs to be (smoked) as in you need to inhale the vapor created by heating the liquid inside and inhaling it into your lungs.
Now as many people know, anything that you inhale that isn’t oxygen is going to be harmful to your lungs in the long run. Yes electronic cigarettes are definitely less harmful than real cigarettes, harmless? No. If you are thinking about quitting smoking cigarettes or vaping electronic cigarettes then nicotine pouches are an excellent alternative. most restaurants and cafes don’t allow vaping inside but with nicotine pouches that is not a problem as they are completely smoke and odor free. And as an added bonus they don’t require you to damage your lungs. They are cheaper in the long run and they taste and feel great!